Giuliana Gibelli

She graduated in Law and worked as a lawyer.
Shee cultivates his great passion for all artistic forms by taking courses in painting and sculpture techniques.

She attended the Holden creative writing school in Turin founded and directed by Alessandro Baricco, the Photography and Photojournalism course of Angelo Schwarz at the Academy of Fine Arts in Turin, courses with important photographers including Giovanni Gastel.

Opens a photography studio in Lugano.

She creates photographic works in the fields of fashion, architecture, dance, portraiture, food, art, cultural heritage.
She is registered with FIAP, SBF and AFIP.
She has held personal and collective photography exhibitions in Switzerland and Italy, at the MIA FAIR in Milan and Paratissima in Turin.
Her photographs have been published in international newspapers: Photo Vogue website, Photo, Image Mag Galleria Carla Sozzani, Gastronomie & tourisme Suisse, Gambero Rosso, La Stampa.


“White” is virtue, grace, modesty and elegance. Each portrait
represents an emotion; flowers are silent witnesses of life and
each one has a precise meaning. The egg represents
fruitfulness and eternal life. The feathers symbolize the
protection of the guardian angels and their encouragement. The
shell is a symbol of prosperity and spiritual rebirth. The open
cage communicates adventure and the search for freedom to
White is the very color of divinity and purity.